Getting You Supported

The Office of Student Life is here to connect you with supports. Life as a student in post-secondary can be challenging. Here are a few ways to access the resources and supports you need, when you need them.


Sometimes you need support, but you’re not sure where to go. Connect with (Email) Early Assist. It’s a one-stop shop for all types of supports – personal or academic.

Students can be referred to Early Assist by NIC staff or faculty, or you can connect directly with the Early Assist Team through email. Early Assist doesn’t show up on your academic or financial records, and information you share is confidential and – unless safety is a concern – will not be shared with others without your consent.

At Early Assist, your voice is heard and you are connected with resources that meet your needs. Examples of Supports include:

  • Advising
  • Department for Accessible Learning Services
  • Library & Learning Commons
  • Emergency Financial Aid
  • Indigenous Education Navigators
  • Counselling
  • Elders-in-Residence
  • Career Coaching Services

To connect with Early Assist for support, submit a request for support here. Questions? Email

Student Life have collated some of our commonly used resources for your convenience. If you would like to add other resources or offer corrections, email


Students in the Trades, Apprenticeship and Technical programs can reach out to the Healthy Students Liaison to connect, access supports, and learn how to make the most of their time at the college. To connect with the Healthy Students Liaison, email


NIC is committed to fostering a culture of integrity, mutual respect, and responsible behaviours. When you become part of the NIC community, you can expect a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment. With that right – also come responsibilities – from being ready for learning, to conducting yourself in a respectful and considerate manner.

NIC has established policies and procedures to ensure that all members of the College community understand the rights and responsibilities of community membership. All members of the College community are responsible for familiarizing themselves with our policies and procedures.

Find out more about your Rights and Responsibilities and how our NIC College community works together to ensure all of us – online or in-person – enjoy a welcoming and respectful learning and working environment.


NIC is committed to providing all members of the college community with a safe and secure environment free from all forms of sexualized violence. NIC will ensure that survivors and those impacted by sexualized violence are supported when addressing any disclosures or reports under the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response policy.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, talk to a college counsellor, Student Life or Human Resources. We will provide support services and accommodations in a safe, secure environment that respects your unique needs. Whether you choose to disclose or report your experience, we will help you get the support you need. To reach out for support, email


Integrity is important in your academic, personal, and professional lives. Visit the Academic Integrity Matters at NIC page to learn what academic integrity means and what it looks like while you are a student at NIC.