Learning from Video: NIC’s Kaltura Platform for Instructors and Students
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Learning from Video: NIC’s Kaltura Platform for Instructors and Students

Video can be a very effective learning tool. Many research studies have shown its value in enhancing student learning in a variety of disciplines and delivery formats. Video created or curated by instructors can often allow students a more thorough understanding of content and concepts and engage them in more meaningful ways while learning. Students…

Setting Up Pronouns, Preferred and Traditional Names in Brightspace

Setting Up Pronouns, Preferred and Traditional Names in Brightspace

North Island College has set up Brightspace to allow students and instructors to add in their pronouns, preferred names and traditional names so that we can respectfully communicate with each other in the digital world.  Pronouns Log in to Brightspace at https://mycourses.nic.bc.ca Click on your personal menu (where your name appears in the top right…